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- This is the v3.1 06 Aug 1987 version of uud.ttp (and v3.1 of uue.ttp too)
- It is named uud instead of uudecode, to avoid confusion between different
- implementations of the uudecoding functionnality.
- Idem for uue.
- These versions have the following capabilities:
- 1- Missing trailing blanks are still OK. (I am on EARN/BITNET ...)
- Absolutely no need for any procedure to restore 61 chars a line...
- 2- Some common internetwork transpositions are OK (e.g.
- tilde instead of circonflex...) (I am still on EARN/BITNET)
- No need to edit the file to change chars...
- Note: I have been told that the substitution of blanks by grave
- accent is not a gateway/network bug, but a feature of some recent
- UN*X uuencode, to avoid the blank compression by some protocols.
- Note: It is *NOT* BITNET/EARN that damage the files, we transfert non
- encoded binaries on this network, but put the blame on some brain damaged
- gateways. (One of them, between Usenet and Bitnet, is really ruining
- files... Totally wrong ASCII -> EBCDIC table)
- 3- Multi-file decoding is OK, by the 'include xxx' and 'begin part n' lines.
- To allow for identififation of the original file in the parts, the file
- name is now provided in the 'begin part n' line.
- 4- If the included files do not exist, uud.ttp will attempt to go on with the
- same file, in case the multiple files have just been concatenated upon
- reception.
- 5- There is a line sequence checking possible, allowing the detection of
- missing, duplicate, corrupted lines or files. (I have sloppy fingers when
- editing ...)
- This feature is enabled if the first line of the 1st uuencoded file
- is postfixed with a 'z', this is done automatically by the uue.ttp
- companion program. (v3.1)
- Note: a bug of the previous version is fixed.
- 6- A complete check of the uudecoding process is possible, by use of the
- -d flag. This will tell you about all whats going on in there, plus
- this is enabling a complete character by character check of the file
- while decoding. This should make some subtle file corruptions pop up,
- as all the uudecode do not check whats in a line before doing their job.
- If this option detect an error, then the file produced will not be
- correct (uud stops at the first error detected, and close the file).
- 7- If there is a character table present before each file, it will be used,
- this table is produced by the companion uue.
- The use of this table allows for some incredible recovery of files that
- went through some really brain damage gateway. No sweat.
- 8- You can decode a single file contaning several uuencoded files, at once;
- You give a complete month of INFO-ATARI16 digest, and voila all the
- nice PD .prg's, no editing, no sweat. (To be true, it's been a long time
- without *.prg in the digests..., but you should try it.)
- 9- The files are completely compatible with true UN*X uudecode/uuencode.
- As long as you do not use the multiple part option of uue.ttp.
- 10- Compile on the ST, using MWC, on UN*X System V and on TOPS20 using cc.
- (On the DEC20: only tested uue.c, and the - option works only if
- followed by a space ???)
- En resume: get the mail file containing what you want to decode, on the
- Atari ST, and apply uud.ttp on it, without any editing of any sort, including
- removing mail header. (except for multiple parts, where the file names must be
- correct, but no need to edit individual files).
- The calls are:
- uud uufile
- uud -d uufile
- uud -D uufile (Atari ST's desktop upper everything...)
- If given no args, uud will tells you what version is this, and the usage.
- With the -d option, a whole lot of checking is done, and it is telling
- you all that it is doing.
- In all case if there is anything else that a perfect decoding, you will
- have some message and you'll need to press any key to exit. (I anybody
- tell me how to tell if we are working from the desktop, or from a shell,
- I will make the pause valid only if run from the desktop. Some kind soul
- with an exemple ? I suppose I have to look into the base page...)
- In case of any error, the produced file is not valid.
- uue filename
- uue -n filename
- uue filename -
- If given no args, uue will tells you what version is this, and the usage.
- The filename arg will be uuencoded.
- the -n option will yield several files, each n lines long.
- uue -500 niceprog.ttp will give:
- niceprog.uaa niceprog.uab ... niceprog.uzz (!!! that would be a lot),
- each (except the last) will be 500 lines long.
- If given, the final - character (not valid if -n is present) will send
- the output to stdout rather than a disk file.
- The filenames synthetized by uue will be at most 8 chars + .uue (or .uxx)
- to be in the accepted pattern for GEMDOS, MS/DOS, UN*X and TOPS20.
- ================================================================================